SAVE lab (Yulia Borovaya and Eduard Rakhmanov)
Interactive Installation
Life on Earth may have begun near the first bodies of water or volcanoes when organic molecules emerged from inorganic compounds. The Inception project simulates the origin of life with a mixture of ferromagnetic and alcohol-based liquids on a sphere's surface, activated by external energy.

Sensors around the installation when touched create conditions for the metaphorical creation of new life. These sensors capture heart activity, nerve impulses, and muscle contractions, triggering magnets that 'animate' the liquid interface.

A digital image of an object's evolution and transformation into a living organism complements the physical installation. Located in the first hall, the Inception project symbolically initiates the evolutionary process in the exhibition.

Programming - Ilya Pereyaslavtsev
Digital part - Anton Levashenko, Ilya Pereyaslavtsev
Sound art - Evgeny Kovalenko (Jivoy)
Engineering part - Eduard Rakhmanov