SAVE lab
SAVE is an Art-Science laboratory that explores chemical and physical knowledge through the lens of art. The laboratory serves as a space for work in the realms of living, digital, and technological art, seeking new meanings of reality. SAVE is a platform for the collaborative creativity of artists and scientists.

Originally, the laboratory was located in the labyrinths of a bomb shelter at the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University, a place where people sought refuge from wars and disasters. This location inspired the name of the laboratory, SAVE.

The founders of the laboratory are Julia Borovaya (artist) and Eduard Rakhmanov (scientist, engineer).

Julia Borovaya
An experimental artist, curator, and researcher in the fields of Art & Science and new forms of painting. She creates works in multidisciplinary art, combining natural chemical and physical processes with new technologies. She works with painting, seeking new approaches to transform and expand the perception of visual art. Julia is the founder of the Art-Science laboratory SAVE.
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Art & Science researcher, and engineer.
He is the founder of the Art-Science laboratory SAVE.

Eduard Rakhmanov